Welcome to our Help Center.

Our Help Center is designed to give you a place to get the information you need to be effective at using our site.

You can find information by browsing the sections and categories on the left hand dropdown menu (top if you have a very small screen)

We appreciate any feedback regarding the design of the help center, or new bits of information to add, including tutorials; You can open a ticket with us at any time.


We offer a referral program where you can refer your friends to our website. It allows you to help us grow our service, as well as helping you earn a bit more bitcoin.
There is no requirements other than having a valid account here at MiningRigRentals, and abiding by our Terms of Service.

Please check your account details page for the referral link. Use this link to recommend MiningRigRentals.com to your mining friends.
We will pay you a commission from each transaction that occurs from your referral.

We do reserve the right to cancel any referrals, individually or as a whole if we detect abuse.
Please do not abuse the referral program, this usually means do not sneak your link into something in which the user signing up is unaware of your referral. This includes automated or hidden links.

Commissions are paid out after each transaction fully completes. We offer 0.1% of the total transaction.
This applies to both renters and rig owners that are referred to MRR using your referral link.
If you refer a renter and a rig owner and the renter leases the rig owner's rig then you will receive a total of 0.2% commission for that transaction.
There is no ceiling on your earnings potential. You will continue to earn 0.1% on every transaction the referred account fully completes.

Absolutely! Make sure to contact us directly by using our support center.
Alternativly, you may browse our other contact methods if those are appropriate from our contact page

We ask is that you add our banner to your website so it can be seen by your pool users, you can even use your referral link in your Mining Rig Rentals account. We have several similar versions of our banner if it somehow does not fit for you. We suggest to place it at the bottom or top of your pages, or include it in a relevant page/section of your website.
We would also ask that you whitelist our service endpoints located here, these are where our users connect from.

Send us a URL link to your banner (NO Attachments!), and we will overlook your site and add you to our pools and services page. Please include a short description about your pool, which can include a list of coins/algorithms you support.


We plan to revamp and upgrade our pools and services pages by the end of 2024 to list all in a better format, including the provided description.